Sunday, September 30, 2007

Busy studying my options

For the past 3 weeks I have been tunnel visioned. Turning my attention to really understanding options and option strategies, I have come to realize that utilizing this powerful investment vehicle is another strong cog in the wheel of regular monthly income. I have been spending countless hours listening to lectures on Woodies' site, reading several books on the basics and wrapping my brain around all there is to know to begin to put on option trades AND understand what I'm doing at the same time, hehe. So, one reason TradeLogger hasn't seen any updates this week is because of my focus on that topic. I have added some useful educational option links in the Investor Resources section of my site.

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TradeLogger - equity curve management

TradeLogger is a FREE program that helps day traders and swing traders minimize the drawdown in their equity. Close to 2,000 traders are now utilizing TradeLogger's easy-to-use interface to log their trades' profit and loss and receive a clear, consise signal whether their next trade needs to be a LIVE trade or a SIM trade. This is all based on how well their equity curve is performing.

The benefit of this program is it saves you capital when your trading performance experiences periods of drawdown while in a losing slump, whether it's due to the skill of the trader, or just lack of follow through from the market due to market mechanics.
You can download at