Monday, November 26, 2007

Whippy Russell today made for a tough day

The Russell 2000 futures were pretty whippy today, taking out my stops on over half my trades leaving me with a down day. No big deal, but just didn't see that nice get-up-go follow through that I've been used to the last few days.

On another note, after meeting with several key people in Las Vegas, it looks very likely that TradeLogger may form a partnership with a few other charting packages such as TradeNavigator. This will allow charting packages with built-in front ends to talk directly to TradeLogger and automatically import trade data as it occurs in real time while you trade. It may also be possible to have TradeLogger control the switching of the front end between "sim" and "live" mode as the equity curve dictates. Details are still developing but it looks likely that TradeLogger will become even easier to use for traders.

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TradeLogger - equity curve management

TradeLogger is a FREE program that helps day traders and swing traders minimize the drawdown in their equity. Close to 2,000 traders are now utilizing TradeLogger's easy-to-use interface to log their trades' profit and loss and receive a clear, consise signal whether their next trade needs to be a LIVE trade or a SIM trade. This is all based on how well their equity curve is performing.

The benefit of this program is it saves you capital when your trading performance experiences periods of drawdown while in a losing slump, whether it's due to the skill of the trader, or just lack of follow through from the market due to market mechanics.
You can download at